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Ortho update for the Multi-Disciplinary Dentistry Study Club & Mastermind Group

Friday 26th November saw Hutch presenting his annual review of the year … what’s new… what’s just been re-branded and what the next year could bring too Orthodontics.

There was the usual overview of changes in bracket design from some the manufacturers, and of course, any update day wouldn’t be complete without a little bit on aligners… how FEM is helping to deliver more predictable tooth movements (but please….lets be realistic about alleged possible movements achievable…. ) and a new resin from Korea which will allow us to be directly printing the aligners and therefore eliminating the tedious pressure forming part.

Whilst this new aligner resin isn not available in the UK yet, what is possible is 3D printing of brackets that are fully customised for each patient ..and their advantage…eliminating wire bending I know you all love so much 😉 …well, we will see and report back on our findings next year.

We also went a little off piste (whats new I hear you say) and discussed how Orthodontic Assessment is changing… especially the rest of the World …with the UK possibly lagging behind. And although some of the new kit may cost 30-50k we’ve found a couple of gadgets for significantly less which could help.

Following on from adapting out Orthodontic assessment protocol to accommodate the new technology we then discussed new treatment modalities which could significantly reduce extractions and also have a ‘systemic’ knock on effect e.g airway.

If you would like to attend next years “catch up conference” or simply read the monthly blog then please consider subscribing.

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