The Advanced Ortho course is a little different in how it works. Long days of 'death by power point' are no more. Delegates are 'given' a recording of the presentation and reading material before the study day. On the day we highlight the important key facts from the presentation and then discuss cases to illustrate the principles. In this way we can touch on all the other relevant points that are connected with the subject thus giving you far more depth of knowledge. And of course, the video of the lecture is yours to refer back to at any time in the future.... your very own Orthodontic video library so to speak.

The course, as all Assure Courses, are limited to six, yes SIX, delegates to one again help you get the most from the course. There are also some practical elements, I mean, how could we possibly pass up on the opportunity for some wire bending ;o)
If this sounds like your type of course then click below or give me a shout.